Contributing to the Leapp project

First, thank you for taking your time to contribute to the project.

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing effectively to the Leapp-related repositories hosted under the OS and Application Modernization Group organization <>_ on GitHub.

Code style guidelines

Your code should follow our Python Coding Guidelines

Best practices in actor development

File naming convention

  1. New folders and/or Python files shall use lowercase without underscores.
  2. The actor‘s main file shall be named

Submitting a Pull Request

Before you submit your pull request, consider the following guidelines:

  • Fork the repository and clone your fork.

  • Make your changes in a new git branch:

    git checkout -b bug/my-fix-branch master

  • Include documentation that either describe a change to a behavior or the changed capability to an end user.

  • Commit your changes with message conforming to the Git Commit Messages_ guidelines.

  • Include tests for the capability you have implemented.

  • Make sure your tests pass. We use Jenkins CI for our automated testing.

  • Push your branch to GitHub:

    git push --set-upstream origin bug/my-fix-branch

  • When opening a pull request, select the master branch as a base.

  • Mark your pull request with [WIP] (Work In Progress) to get feedback, but prevent merging (for example, [WIP] Update CONTRIBUTING.rst).

  • If you are fixing a GitHub issue, include the issue number you are fixing, e.g. ‘Closes issue #xyz‘.

  • Description of the PR should clearly state what is being changed and the rationale for the change.

If we suggest changes, follow these rules:

  • Make the required updates.

  • Push changes to git (this will update your pull request). For that you can add a new commit or rebase your branch and force push to your GitHub repository like this: ::

    git rebase -i master git push -f origin bug/my-fix-branch

Merge Rules

  • Every PR should have at least one code review before merging
  • All CI tests should pass

Git Commit Messages

  • Write a descriptive commit message
  • Use the present tense (“Add feature“ not “Added feature“)
  • Use the imperative mood (“Move cursor to...“ not “Moves cursor to...“)
  • If you are fixing a GitHub issue, include something like ‘Closes issue #xyz‘
  • For more best practices, read How to Write a Git Commit Message <>_


In case of any question, contact us at #leapp on Libera.Chat IRC network, or write the question as an issue on GitHub.