Installing the development environment

RPM packages installation

If you do not want to modify the framework itself, install it from the RPM packages provided by the Copr build system, which automatically builds packages with every commit merged into master. Packages are built for EPEL and Fedora.

  • On CentOS/RHEL:

    # yum install -y yum-utils
    # yum-config-manager --add-repo
  • On Fedora:

    # dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core
    # dnf copr enable @oamg/leapp

For the actor development, install the leapp and snactor tools. This pulls in also leapp-repository with already existing actors, models, topic, tags and workflows.

# yum install snactor leapp

For the actor development, install the snactor tool, and if you want to use actors, install also leapp-repository.

# yum install snactor leapp-repository

Virtualenv installation

To keep your environment clean, use a virtualenv.

First, create a new virtual environment called “tut“ and activate it:

$ cd ~/devel
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 tut
$ . tut/bin/activate

Then, install the framework by using the pip package management system:

$ pip install git+

Once the framework is installed, you can use the snactor tool.

$ snactor --help
usage: snactor [-h] [--version] [--logger-config LOGGER_CONFIG]
               [--config CONFIG] [--verbose] [--debug]

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --logger-config LOGGER_CONFIG
                        Allows to override the logger.conf location
  --config CONFIG       Allows to override the leapp.conf location
  --verbose             Enables verbose logging
  --debug               Enables debug mode

Main commands:
    new-tag             Create a new tag
    new-model           Creates a new model
    run                 Execute the given actor
    workflow            Workflow related commands
    new-topic           Creates a new topic
    messages            Messaging related commands
    discover            Discovers all available entities in the current
    new-project         [DEPRECATED] Creates a new repository
    repo                Repository related commands
    new-actor           Creates a new actor

A screen cast of the steps above